Marketing, Communications, Websites
Desktop & Mobil Marketing for Your Massage & Bodywork Marketing & Communications to Build Your Business
Marketing, Communications, Websites:
There are SO many resources on internet on how use the internet for marketing, public relations, and client communications, it can drive you crazy. Where do you start, and what do you DO?
While there are many “experts” on internet marketing, very few of them can relate to YOU and Your Business. ESPECIALLY because SO many people get into massage and bodywork because it’s a Life Mission … NOT just a “better job.”
While we do not claim to be THE leading edge experts on internet marketing, communications, websites, and such, we DO have a LOT of experience exploring the many options out there.
We are more interested NOT in becoming the next “Internet Marketing Gurus,” but in giving you the BASICS, and steering you in the right direction to find the best resources to help you build the right system for YOU and Your Needs.
The best thing to do is fill out our Questionnaire and let us know where you already are (from stark raving beginner to computer and internet savvy person) so we can let know IF we can help you, and if so, how.