Chiropractic and Medical Massage Therapy Integration and Perspectives …
Client Care Mastery™
The Heart of Practice Professionalism©
Evidence Based Client Care System
Unifying Diversity
Empowering Your Professional Client Care Skills
Providing Professional Credibility and Respect!
Doctor Approved by:
- Dr Michael Koplen, BA, MT, DC, QME
- Seth Levey, MD, FACC
- Bruce Handloff, DC, QME

Dr. Michael Koplen, DC
In regards to chiropractic and medical massage therapy integration, I am here introducing one element of the Whole Health Healing series of programs. One very important, maybe even critical, component we’re offering here at The DSL Method is the work of Dr. Michael Koplen. Dr. Koplen was a very successful massage therapist in Boulder and Denver, Colorado long before he became a chiropractor.
As such, his knowledge and skill — and more importantly his INSIGHT — into the workings of the musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, and myofascial systems — and their Control Systems (nerves, CNS, brain) — sets him apart as and educator and mentor for … YOU!
Here’s a quote from the Introduction to Dr. Koplen’s Introductory books and courses specifically designed and written for chiropractic and medical massage therapy integration:
This Course provides another important component for increasing professional competency and credibility, and in helping to create greater unity and acceptance for the profession by teaching an inclusive and more integrated approach to practicing. It provides you with a complete Client Care System™ embracing different techniques, research literature, and professional client management procedures.
This Course teaches you how to have an evidence-based practice consistent with current research, commonly used techniques, and professionally accepted standards of client care. It teaches you to discern reality centered principles and fact from myth, and qualify proven claims from personal beliefs, while managing your Client’s care using standard professional protocols in alignment with those used by other health care professions such as PT’s and doctors.
Knowing how to effectively integrate all of these components into your practice is critical to increasing professional validation and acceptance in individual practices and for the profession.
Just as massage practices evolve, so has this Course. It was initially designed to manage Clients’ care by exclusively using claims supported by research literature and procedural standards accepted by health care professions. Fortunately, these important core principles remain intact, but the Course has expanded to incorporate nearly all hands-on techniques, and accommodate second order effects massage may produce, by showing you how to properly qualify and disclose such information to Clients so they can consent to decisions from a well informed perspective.
This Course believes that both practitioner and client education is important. The protocols and procedures used in this Course are designed to suit both new practitioners and those more experienced.
This Course helps Massage Therapists achieve their common purpose of increasing professional credibility, respect and recognition, by integrating the collective benefits that research and science based knowledge contribute, into a more unified standard of care allowing you to freely use whatever techniques you like.
This integrated and complementary approach follows the advice offered by Daniel Goleman, Ph.D., author of Emotional Intelligence: “A working group of varied strengths and perspectives, if it can operate in harmony, is likely to come to better, more effective and more creative solutions than those same people working in isolation.”
When Abraham Lincoln strived to unify our nation, he quoted mathematician Euclid saying, “Things that are equal to the same thing are also equal to one other.” If yours and other Massage Therapists’ Client care skills are professionally aligned, many divisions will dissolve, you will have greater professional competency and confidence, and increased validation and acceptance will be naturally granted.
The truth is, while your hands-on skills and supportive research literature are important for increasing professional validation, as a practicing doctor I can tell you that myself and other health care colleagues and providers, as well as the public, are more concerned about your competency in knowing how to apply critical thinking skills and proper protocols for managing important aspects of your clients’ care.
Knowing these skills is how trust and acceptance is earned.
When you think about it, research has already proven massage can help reduce pain, tension, anxiety and depression in many cases, which is a huge health benefit having tremendous ramifications. So why doesn’t this command greater levels of credibility and respect from doctors and others?
A main reason why it doesn’t is because what doctors and others ultimately want to trust is not only the fact that your technique skills are talented, or what the research says, but more importantly that you know how to apply all of these various factors in ways the sum total of your abilities allows you to properly manage all important aspects of Clients’ care. Without such an integrated approach to practicing, your mastery, much less competency, in the greater and combined role of your abilities to help clients is, as some like to say, woefully inadequate. You are practicing either with such innovation or you remain in stagnation doing more of the same thing.
Properly managing a client’s care involves knowing skills such as how to manage their “massage therapy prescription,” how to assess a client’s findings related to their chief complaints, how to properly and professionally approach, measure, and monitor their pain, stress and other complaints they present to you, and knowing when it’s appropriate to refer a client, as well as other procedures.
Once your mastery of these and numerous other important Client Care Protocols and procedures this Course teaches you can be trusted, your professional credibility and approval will soar! So will the massage profession’s.
If doctors are to recommend and refer patients for massage, they want to be assured that you have a reliable, unified standard for managing those patient’s care, besides what the research says or how talented your hands-on skills may be.
It only makes sense that if you use client care protocols and standards aligned with those practiced by other health care providers, your practice will be perceived and received with greater validation.
Whether you practice with an empirical or empathic, intellectual or intuitive style, and regardless of your preferred hands-on technique or your views about the research literature, the Client Care System™ this Course teaches will show you how to unify these components into a well managed Client Care Practice™, making the sum of your practice skills greater than the parts, which empowering you to be a true master in massage and earn the credibility and respect you deserve for the great work you provide![emphasis added ~DSL]
Preparation for releasing Dr. Koplen’s VERY important work is under way. PLEASE let us know of your interest in his work, so we can properly time and manage the production and release of the materials.
I will also be pursuing a modified version of Dr. Koplen’s program for working with Naturopathic Physicians.
Thank You for Reading about chiropractic and medical massage therapy integration.
David Scott Lynn (DSL*)
* DSL: Your Hi-Touch Up-Link to the Inner-Net*
* Inner-Net: Your Psycho-Neuro-Musculo-Fascial System