1-Day Workshops on
DSL Edgework:
Myo-Structural Therapy

David Scott Lynn (DSL), upon Sufficient Demand, will produce a series of 1-Day, BasicWorkshops on his Method of Therapy, DSL Edgework.

The Basic PsychoMuscular Release Technique & Physiology

(A Quantum Integration of Neuromuscular, Myofascial, BIO-Structural Bodywork & Myo-Structural Yoga Therapies, Including Mental Focus & Adjunctive Release Techniques)

Yoga / Bodywork Medical & Physical Sciences — SORRY! NOT YET WRITTEN

COMING SOON! (A Deep-Dive into the Physiology, Neurology, Anatomy & Kinesiology and Physical Sciences underpinning DSL Edgework. — If You Know How It Works, You Know How To Work It!)

DE-Constructing & Creating Yoga Postures and B.E.S.T.

(A Myo-Structural Approach to Yoga Therapy and the B.E.S.T. = Breathing, Exercise & Stretching Technique)

BIO-Structural Analysis & Postural Assessment

(Creating Your Structural Balancing Strategies)

Myo-Structural Balancing via Yoga & Bodywork

(CORE Structural DE-Compression, Yogic Logic, Body Mechanics, Injury Prevention & Repair)

Self Care for Therapists & Clients

(Body Mechanics, Tai Chi/Chi Kung Movement Therapy, Internal & External Ergonomics, Using Massage Tools)

Philosophy, Psychology & Science of Being Human

(On Thinking, Feeling & Meditation and Human Progress)

Supervised Therapy Practicum — SORRY! NOT YET WRITTEN

COMING SOON! (Group will perform long therapy sessions on each other with direct supervision & assistance by DSL)

Logistics & Pricing for 1-Day Workshops

(Hours & Schedule are there, but Pricing is not yet determined)

If You Are Interested in Sponsoring a DSL Program, Please Contact Me and we can discuss possibilities.