Dr Sarno Back Pain Relief w/ Joe Polish:
How Dr. John Sarno Achieved Back Pain
Relief & with other
 kinds of Muscle & Body
Pain, & the Basic Principles of How He So
Successfully Achieves Chronic Pain Relief.
An Interview w/ Steve Ozanich: Sarno Advocate

NOTE: This article was originally published in February of 2017.
However, my Elderly & Sick Parents took over all my time for about a decade.
SO … I did not have time to market this article and get it out to more people.

Dr Sarno Back Pain Relief
w/ Joe Polish & Steven Ozanich
On The I Love Marketing Podcast

Unlocking Chronic Pain Relief with
Dr. Sarno’s Mind-Body Method

NOTE TO READER: I originally made some comments here about how Dr. Sarno’s work is relevant to DSL Edgework — my own system of Neuro-Musculo-Fascial Therapy — and vice versa. I moved them to a separate page so here, you could Learn About, then get right to the Podcast on Dr. Sarno’s work. The LINK to my In-Depth Summary of the Emotional Approach to BodyMind Therapy is toward the end on this page. But I wanted to make sure you went to the Podcast FIRST! ~DSL

joe polish marketing master - dr sarno back pain relief w/ joe polish

Joe Polish:
Master Marketer &
Founder of The Genius Network

Joe Polish, Marketing Legend & Health Crusader. … If you follow the high-tech, entrepreneurial, and marketing worlds at all, the list of people Mr. Polish includes as students, friends, and associates, and their openly stated admiration for him, is truly mind-boggling.
Joe Polish isn’t JUST a Marketing Guru — He’s also a Force for Whole Health Care.
Joe occasionally has a Bonus Edition of his I Love Marketing Podcast where he discusses other issues besides marketing, including a significant commitment to utilizing and teaching state-of-the-art healthcare philosophies and practices. …
More to the Point of this Podcast are the Healing Powers of Dr. John Sarno’s Methods — I’m calling it here the Dr Sarno Back Pain Relief Method — for resolving ALL kinds of neuro-musculo-fascial pain in the human body, not just back pain. This approach might well ( potentially in MANY cases ) apply to almost any of the chronic pains or dysfunctions most people experience.

Dr. Sarno’s Method: His Tension Myoneural Syndrome (TMS) says chronic pain — back, neck, gut — isn’t [necessarily] structural (damaged bones or joints); it’s repressed emotions such as rage, anger or guilt operating underground, behind the scenes, this root cause usually going unnoticed. He has helped heal many thousands, proving it’s not a “woo-woo” hypothesis —it’s science.

“His groundbreaking work in the treatment of chronic pain and other conditions transformed the field of rehabilitation medicine and touched the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world.”

“[Dr. Sarno] didn’t have the science and the studies to prove it; he just had a ton of patient success stories,” Dr. Schubiner said. “He’s being bashed now if you read articles about him, but he was actually right. Science now has confirmed the vast majority of his approach.”

Chronic Pain & the Mind-Body Connection

Dr. Sarno was Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, New York University School of Medicine, until his retirement in 2012, and was an attending physician at the Howard A. Rusk Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine, New York University Medical Center. ~ Wikipedia

Sadly, now passed away, Dr. Sarno’s Legacy lives on:
Please See the trailer for *
All the Rage*, a Documentary on his life, linked below on this web page.

When he retired from practice, Sarno had written several very popular books on pain relief (shown below) with very wide distribution, and over the decades successfully treated many thousands of patients from around the world who had a wide variety of pain and dysfunction, even though they had nearly given up on ever getting better.

Dr. Sarno, unfortunately, passed away on June 22, 2017, at the age of 93.
Here is a Trailer for a DOCUMENTARY produced about his work:

All The Rage


A Documentary On:
Dr Sarno Back Pain Relief

(Links to Sarno’s books are at the bottom of this page.)

Books by doctor sarno back pain relief w/ joe polishMost of Dr. Sarno’s methods of healing back & body pain revolve around Dissolving and Resolving Repressed Emotions such as Anger, Rage, & Guilt.

See more of Dr. Sarno’s credentials and a description of his work, at his Wikipedia entry:

Dr. John Sarno on Wikipedia

Mr. Polish has, through his personal experiences of significant and persistent levels of pain, become a strong advocate of the Dr Sarno Back Pain Relief Method (and many other forms of muscle & fascia pain & dysfunction, as well). In Joe’s podcast, he interviews Mr. Steve Ozanich, a man who has taken it upon himself to carry the torch for the retired [now passed away] Dr. Sarno’s methods. Steve became a nearly full-time advocate of Dr. Sarno’s work, writing books and consulting with individuals on applying Dr. Sarno’s work to their healthcare situation.

In this 90-minute podcast, Joe interviews Steve. They discuss, in quite a bit of detail and with personal stories, how Sarno’s methods work, and the results they produce for so many people. It’s quite interesting and informative.

For Therapists, it should also be mind and perspective-expanding, with significant, even if indirect, applications to their therapeutic practice. I go into that in some depth in my Next Article on the Sarno Method.

Steven Ozanich photo - doctor sarno back pain relief w/ joe polish

Mr. Steve Ozanich — Sarno Expert


Joe Polish and Steve Ozanich — the two people on the podcast — probably know much or all about what I’ve written about Dr. Sarno, and probably a lot more about his specific methods than I do. (I never actually studied with Sarno in person.) Further below is a link on this website to my, a Soft Tissue Therapist’s, point-of-view on Sarno’s work and how soft tissue therapists can benefit from his knowledge and experience.

Link to the I Love Marketing Podcast

And, I’ve got 40 YEARS of my own experience very successfully treating more extreme soft tissue conditions with clinically and medically focused, hands-on, Mindful Medical Massage, BIO-Structural Balancing & Yoga Therapy. Most of it, including yoga, is based solidly on orthodox medical science & research.

Yet it is that research from medical science on how Massage, Bodywork, & Yoga Therapy work that also validates Sarno’s work. And why you should listen to the podcast on Dr Sarno Back Pain Relief w/ Joe Polish, and watch the All The Rage documentary.

Because I have gotten VERY significant results with my own Clients ( and my own significant muscle pains ) using more Manual & Physical Methods with a strong dose of Mindfulness, I, of course, do not think Sarno’s process necessarily applies to every condition of every person.

What IS needed, however, from a Client or Patient Well-Being point-of-view, is better protocols to determine whether a particular individual is more likely to benefit from Sarno’s emotion-based work versus a more psycho-physical approach.

And Dr. Sarno’s work explains, in great part, why the strong focus on Mindfulness in the work of practitioners such as myself can relieve so many aches & pains, dysfunctions, & pathology.

I do use a few Essential Insights from the East in my own methods, but most of it is based on solid Western Scientific & Philosophical Methods and very common, modern medical science, correlating strongly with Sarno’s approach. Yet the idea of “mindfulness” and introspection, though more associated with The Far East, has in recent years undergone much scrutiny and practice by the orthodox, medical neuroscience research community in the last couple of decades. The direct connection between Mind & Body, or Body & Mind, is now undeniable.

Mindfulness can no  longer be considered “an Eastern Thing.” …
It is a HUMAN Thing. ~ DSL

Neither I nor Sarno engage in “woo-woo” or mystical types of ideas or techniques. However, I think there are very interesting implications revolving around the body-mind integration approach I use compared to Sarno’s. So I might have something to contribute to the topic as well.

Link directly to my webpage ( on this website ),
with an In-Depth Summary of Dr. Sarno’s Methods by

Link to the I Love Marketing Podcast
on Dr. Sarno by CLICKING HERE

(NOTE: I make NO money off the sale of any of the books featured below.)

dr sarno's most recent books - doctor sarno back pain relief with joe polish

Dr. Sarno’s Most Recent Books

Access Dr. Sarno’s Books HERE at Amazon

Or Steve Ozanich’s Book HERE

Steve Ozanich's Book on Dr Sarno - doctor sarno back pain relief with joe polish

Steve Ozanich’s Book on Dr. Sarno at Steve’s Website

Thanks for Reading about the Dr Sarno Back Pain Relief w/ Joe Polish & Steve Ozanich discussion on their back pain podcast located on the I Love Marketing Podcast, and about Body Pain and Chronic Pain Relief in general …

David Scott Lynn (DSL*)
* DSL: Your Hi-Touch Up-Link to the Inner-Net*
* Inner-Net: Your Psycho-Neuro-Musculo-Fascial & Joint System